7 Things You should not do in Japan.

Japan is a country that fascinates tourists and Job holders across the world. The reason for that varies from person to person some are attracted by the strongest economy, animated movies, and unique culture. But in Japan, there are unwritten rules they supposed you must follow them. But the things you don’t do the 7 we mentioned in this article.

Don’t take shoes inside to house

It seems soo simple that in many countries we take shoes and that does not be considered bad at all. But that is not the case in Japan. They consider it bad. So when ever you go Japanese house you must remove your shoes or sandals and they gave you a separate pair of slippers and you are allowed to wear them in the house. If you are on visit and looking for jobs in Japan Click here

Don’t eat while walking

In Japan, if you are late from the office and don’t have time and start eating in public while walking Please Be careful Japanese people don’t like that all especially the old fellows. To manage your time well because Japan is a fast-paced country from a work and time point of view.

Don’t give tips to anyone in Japan

Our common practice is whenever we go to a restaurant or go to any gas station the little remaining amount we gave to the person who provide the services. But in Japan, the tipping culture is not admired by the majority of people. Unlike other countries’ tips not included. If you tip to anyone they give back to you or get confused.

Don’t avoid queue systems

On train stations or any other places like traffic where queues are formed and you try to manipulate persons and avoid that lane or queue and that considered as bad. So be patient and go with the flow that’s the best way in Japan.

Blowing your nose in public

This social etiquette is followed a lot in Japan. If you are in Japan and got flu or fever don’t blow your nose while talking to someone or in public. If you have a fever and anything’s please wear a face mask to avoid embracement.

Avoid smoking in public

If you are an active smoker and it’s your habit to smoke in the streets in your country back it is alert for you. Don’t do that in Japan because people do not consider it good.

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Don’t be too loud on public transport

In other countries, you travel with friends making fun and enjoying loudly. If you are that kind of person Japan is not right for you. Here people travel on public transport very quietly.

These are things you should follow to avoid embracement.